All answers about TU-GET application, preparation, book



Worried or Scared of TU-GET ? Come here!

Have you ever felt worried about finding techniques or finding a way to pass the exam? Nobody to be your guide when reading tutorial books? Still have some weaknesses and don’t know how to fix? Want to have some techniques and test guidelines in short time? Remove your all your worries, we will make you dare to reach your goal. With your own efficiency, our TU-GET course will surely take you to your destination. Worry no more because we confirm your score!


  • Focus on basic grammar
  • Point out main issues and make it easy to remember
  • Small group , everyone has participation
  • Practice makes perfect with many practice tests
  • Cover all reading, vocabulary and grammar
  • With easy techniques for your test day

Climbing to your dream may be not easy but you hope is here to pass this test, to have the bright future and reach your dream. We are glad to be your assistant to enforce and strengthen your knowledge. The test will become easy and be sure you won’t be alone. We will move together and you will be a part of your dream faculty. We make it a piece of cake!!! Make sure you pass!


คอร์ส TU-GET รับรองผล 

รหัสคอร์ส วันเรียน รอบ เวลา หมายเหตุ เหลือที่นั่ง อาจารย์
CECA1024 14 ต.ค. - 7 พ.ย. จ-พฤ 18:00-20:30
-1 วี,ทราย
CECB1024 19 ต.ค. - 10 พ.ย. ส-อา 10:00-16:00
-3 วี,ทราย
CECB11124 2 พ.ย. - 24 พ.ย. ส-อา 10:00-16:00
5 ทราย,โจ้
CECA11124 4 พ.ย. - 28 พ.ย. จ-พฤ 18:00-20:30
5 โจ้,ทราย
CECB21124 9 พ.ย. - 1 ธ.ค. ส-อา 10:00-16:00
5 ทราย,โจ้
CECA21124 11 พ.ย. - 5 ธ.ค. จ-พฤ 18:00-20:30
5 โย,ทราย
CECB31124 16 พ.ย. - 8 ธ.ค. ส-อา 10:00-16:00
10 โย,ทราย
CECA31124 18 พ.ย. - 12 ธ.ค. จ-พฤ 18:00-20:30
10 โย,ทราย
CECB41124 23 พ.ย. - 15 ธ.ค. ส-อา 10:00-16:00
10 โย,ทราย
CECA41124 25 พ.ย. - 19 ธ.ค. จ-พฤ 18:00-20:30
10 โย,ทราย
CECB51124 30 พ.ย. - 22 ธ.ค. ส-อา 10:00-16:00
10 โย,ทราย


Course details :

  1.  This course is for students who never take TU-GET test or who would like to deeply review Writing and Reading. We starts from basic grammar to practice tests covering structure, writing ability (error identification0, vocabulary (synonym, cloze test), reading comprehension.
  2.  Also suitable for students who would like to get more scores in order to get a scholarship or access to the university.


Teaching Style

  • highlighting from fundamental English grammar to applying practice tests
  • live, standard, small group by P’Ple Team
  • teaching starting from often founded tests to less founded tests


Guarantee TU-GET course : 12,500 THB per person

  • The course for a person who rarely uses English language or wants to get more scores to apply for a scholarship or further study
  • No worry. You pay, you study. We continue opening the course even there is only one person applying for the course. So, you don’t have to worry that the course will be cancelled.


How different between TU-GET (PBT) and TU-GET (CBT)

Test Purposes Test your English ability for

  • applicants who want to become TU students OR
  • general applicants who would like to test their English knowledge
Test your English ability for

  • applicants who want to become TU students OR
  • general applicants who would like to test their English knowledge
Test Format Paper based Computer based
Test Structure Structure 25 questions
Vocabulary 25 questions
Reading 50 questions
Total 100 questions
Reading 30 questions
Listening 30 questions
Speaking 1 questions
Writing 1 questions
Total 120 questions
Test Score Structure 250 points
Vocabulary 250 points
Reading 500 points
Total 1,000 points
Reading 30 points
Listening 30 points
Speaking 30 points
Writing 30 points
Total 120 points
Test Time 09.00 – 12.00 am. 09.00 – 12.00 am. and 1.00 – 4.00 pm
Test Frequency Once a month Once a month
Registration Period 1st  – 15th  of every month 16th – till the end of the month
Test Fee (For TU students) Students id no. 54-60

  • 40 THB
  • This fee is valid only once a year. (only in May or October)
  • This fee is invalid if you already made a graduation request.
Students id no. 61 and above

  • Students get free test for 2 times within 4 years.
  • 1st Time for students on first and second year and another for students on third and fourth year.
Test Fee (For General applicants)
  • 500 THB
  • For late registration after 16th until 3 days before the test date, the test fee will be 700 THB.
  • 1,000 THB
  • For late registration since 1st until 3 days before the test date, the test fee will be 1,500 THB.
Registration channel Online registration at Online registration at
Test Result Online checking on the website: one week after the test date.
Sending by post : two weeks after the test date.
Online checking on the website: 15 days after the test date.
Sending by post : 30 days after the test date.


TU-GET Paper-based Test (PBT) Registration Process

  1. Go on page then click “ลงทะเบียน/Register”
    • If you already had an account, fill in your identity number and password and get into the system.
    • After you get into the website, there will be system alerts about test schedules, you can close it and click “ลงทะเบียน/Register”.
  2. Select the type of the card, identity card or passport, you will use to identify yourself. Then, choose applicant type, general or TU students. Next, fill in your personal information; first name, last name, phone number, email, and address. Next, fill in account information and password for your next log in. When complete all sections, click “บันทึก (Save)”.
  3. Next, the system will show message “the registration is completed” (“ลงทะเบียนเสร็จสมบูรณ์”), fill in your identity number and password, click “Sign in”.
  4. After you have logged in, available test dates, registration period, and test centers will be showed. If you prefer to register, click “register” (“คลิกสมัครสอบ”)
  5. Next, the system will show the test details such as year, test center, test type, registration period, test date, time, and test fee. Then, fill in the address for sending the test result and click “สมัครสอบ/Register”.
  6. Click “confirm” (“ตกลง”) if you confirm to register.
  7. The system will bring you to payment page, click “payment” (“คลิกชำระเงิน”)
  8. Select payment method by clicking “payment” (“ชำระเงิน”) which has many methods such as bank counter, Debit/Credit card, and QR Code.
  9. If you choose to pay at the bank, print your payment detail and contact the bank to pay the test fee.
  10. If you choose to pay via Debit/Credit card or QR Code, click “Pay Now” and fill in your payment details.
  11. No matter what payment method you choose, you must state the payment notification by clicking “Payment Notification” and upload your payment slip then click upload. Now, your registration is completed. You can check your payment status later on the website. The test center and seat can be checked on the left menu of the system.


Talking about TU-GET preparation books

TU-GET or Thammasat University General English Test is an English proficiency test available for students applying for Thammasat university both undergraduate and graduate levels as well as those who wish to take comprehensive English skill test. TU-GET contains 3 parts of exam including grammar and structure, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The exam contains 100 questions to be finished in 3 hours with the level of difficulty comparable to CU-TEP exam. As such, taking TU-GET requires a lot of preparation as the exam covers all necessary parts in English proficiency. Hence, today we are here with the book recommendation for anyone who is looking for great preparation for TU-GET. The most popular book for TU-GET is the official TU-GET Book Volume 1 and Volume 2 by Language Institute Thammasat University, easily recognized as yellow and red books for TU-GET.

แนะนำหนังสือ TU-GET

Test practices provided in these books are very similar to those found in the real exams. Also, the most important feature in these books is the detailed explanation to each question that is very useful when studying for the exam. This is particular the case for grammar and structure part in TU-GET where you will find the simulated questions and grammar explanations very useful. This is because the grammar questions in TU-GET are very detailed and can be confusing if ones do not prepare for the exam before. In addition, as these books are officially published by the Language Institute Thammasat University, which is the one making the real TU-GET exam; hence, we highly recommend you to get through all the practices in these 2 books so that you get familiar with the exam style. Nonetheless, studying exam notes by reading alone might not be enough preparation especially for those who are not quite familiar with the exam style or need greater assistance with the English foundations. Chulatutor is the best choice for you. Our result-guaranteed TU-GET course will fully equip you with complete understandings of the English competency essential in excelling TU-GET. With our expertise, scoring in TU-GET will be a piece of cake!



What is TU-GET ?

A test of English language proficiency arranged by Thammasat University. TU-GET consists of 3 parts including 25 questions on Grammar for 250 points, 25 questions on Vocabulary for 250 points, and 50 questions on Reading Comprehension for 500 points; totaling to 100 questions with 1,000 full points.

How to register for TU-GET ?

The TU-GET registration is available online via Language Institute Thammasat University website at The applicant is required to enter his/her personal information where confirmed information will be stored in the database and used for testing arrangements as well as score reporting. The registration fee for TU-GET must be paid at the counter of Kasikorn Bank only.

Where are TU-GET test venues ?

There are three test venues for TU-GET including test center arranged by Thammasat University at Thammasat University Rangsit Campus, and test centers at Assumption College and Saint Gabriel’s College where test registrations are opened to general public.

TU-GET test schedule ?

TU-GET tests are arranged on a monthly basis, approximately 12 sessions in each year. Test schedule for the whole year of both Paper-based and TU-GET CBT will be announced via Language Institute Thammasat University website. For most cases, test sessions are held on the last Sunday of each month with the specified registration date and time where any late registration will be subject to additional charges

What is a passing score for TU-GET ?

There is no specific criteria for TU-GET score but most undergraduate and graduate admissions use 550 as minimum score for Paper-based test, and 80 as minimum score for Computer-based test. Nevertheless, score requirements are largely dependent on program suitability where TU-GET will be used as selection criteria and interview test.

How long are TU-GET scores valid

TU-GET test scores are valid for 2 years from the test date and there is no limit for the number of tests taken. Online test result will be announced 15 days after the test date, and result report will be sent 30 days after the test date.

How much does it cost to take TU-GET ?

There are 2 types of TU-GET test with different registration fee which are (i) TU-GET (Paper-based) for 500 THB, and 700 THB for late registration after 16th of a test month where payment must be made in person at the Language Institute Thammasat University, and (ii) TU-GET (Computer-based Test) for 1000 THB, and 1500 THB for late registration after 1st of a test month until the test date where payment must be made in person at the Language Institute Thammasat University.

Recommended preparation books for TU-GET ?

There are variety of preparation books for TU-GET depending on personal preferences. However, the widely used books are the ones with yellow and red covers published by the Language Institute Thammasat University where test practices and answers are provided inside. Students are also recommended to practice with self-timing to improve time management in exams.

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