
What is CU-ATS? How to apply? When is the test date?

Students who would like to apply for engineering and science international program have to take this test. Chulatutor will summarize all information you need to know about CU-ATS. How to apply? What will you find on the test? and many more details about the test.


What is CU-ATS?

Chulalongkorn University Aptitude Test for Science or CU-ATS is an aptitude test for science. The total score is 1600 points. the test consists of 2 subjects; chemistry and physics. the test has 88 questions within 2 hours (each subject 1 hour) The score is valid 2 years and is used for candidates in undergraduate international programs of the faculty of science and faculty of engineering (except NANO Engineering).

The test is developed by Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center by using the universal standardized test, SAT-II, as a test prototype. So, both of the tests are similar. Candidates can use SAT-II preparation test books to prepare themselves for the test.


Application Requirements

  • ISE : CU-ATS not lower than 800
  • ISE : majoring in chemical and process engineering, CU-ATS not lower than 800
  • BSAC : CU ATS (Chemistry) not lower than 380
  • KMITL’S AEC : CU-ATS with no minimum score


How to apply

There are 4 test schedules in each year. The test fee is 1000 THB Both paper and e-testing are available. Normally, paper based test and e-testing will be taken on the same day. You must make a decision which one you will take. The test schedule can be checked online at http://atc.chula.ac.th/Main/aat_th/


How to apply

  1. Open Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center Website http://www.atc.chula.ac.th
  2. Select Menu “Online Registration” If you already registered, select “log in” but if you are a new applicant, select “Sign up”
  3. Fill in your personal information especially a blank with *.
  4. If it is during the registration period, you can select the test date and the subjects you need to take.
  5. Print the payment slip and follow the payment instructions.


Comparing Paper based test (CU-ATS) and E-Testing (CU-ATS E-Testing)
How to do Paper Computer
Score Shown on website within 2 weeks after the test Shown immediately on the computer
Test fee (THB) 1000 2600


Test Schedule

There are 4-5 test schedule annually which will be held in February, March, July, and December. The test starts at 9.00 – 11.00 am. If anyone want to apply in an early period, you should have CU-ATS score before December.

Test Schedule
Test Dates Test schedule Test room Door opens – Door Closes
5 ก.พ 65 09:00-11:00 24 – 26 ม.ค. 65
5 มี.ค. 65 09:00-11:00 21 – 23 ก.พ. 65
24 ก.ค. 65 09:00-11:00 11 – 13 ก.ค. 65
4 ธ.ค. 65 09:00-11:00 21 – 23 พ.ย. 65




What will we find in the test?

Basically, CU-ATS is similar to SAT-II but it is more complicated and has difficult calculation. For example, When comparing Wave equation, Speed Work by dot product Between SAT Physics and CU-ATS Physics, we found that the questions in CU-ATS are more difficult than SAT Physics and also some questions found in CU-ATS chemistry but not in SAT-II.


CU-ATS : Chemistry

The questions are about Mechanics (Kinematics , Dynamics , Miscellaneous ) , Electricity and Magnetism (Electrostatics , Circuits , Electromagnetism ) Waves (General Properties , Geometrical Optics , Physical Optics ) Heat, Kinetic Theory, and Thermodynamics (Thermal Properties , Kinetic Theory , Thermodynamics) , Modern Physics (Atomic , Nuclear , Relativity) และ Miscellaneous


CU-ATS : Physics

The questions are about Structure of Matter , Atom theory and structure , Molecular structure , Bonding , States of Matter , Gases , Solutions , Reaction Types , Acids and bases , Oxidation-reduction , Stoichiometry , Mole concept , Chemical equations , Equilibrium and Reaction Rates , Thermochemistry , Descriptive Chemistry


เรียน cu-ats

CU-ATS one by on course

Make yourself ready before the test with our CU-ATS private course. We mainly focus on students. No matter you have no basic knowledge or have no confidence, you can take this course. Each course will be flexibly designed to make it suitable for each student and the course completed both chemistry and physics. Also, students can choose their own schedule.



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คะแนน CU-ATS คะแนน ACT Science


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