
When is CU-AAT test schedule / CU-AAT Course

CU-AAT is popular among students who would like to apply Chulalongkorn university’s international programs. Here, we are going to explain about the test and how to prepare yourself to get ready to take the test.

What is CU-AAT?

Chulalongkorn University Academic Aptitude Test or CU-AAT is a test developed by Chulalongkorn university to select candidates for the undergraduate English program and also can be used in SIIT, Thammasat university. However, students should recheck the requirements of each faculty in each year.

CU AAT has been developed by Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center by using international standardizes test such as SAT to be the prototype of CU-AAT. So, the tests are almost the same patterns.

Students can use SAT preparation books to prepare themselves for CU-AAT. Although, there might be some small differences for example Math in CU-AAT is more difficult than SAT while English in SAT is more difficult than CU-AAT.

What CU-AAT questions are about?

The test consists of 2 parts; Math and Verbal Section. It has 110 questions1,600 points with time period 140 minutes (2 hours 20 minutes) The test will start with Math following by Verbal section with 70 minutes provided in each part. The invigilator will collect your question paper after the time for each part has finished. So, the test takers have to consciously concern about the time limit.

Math Section

This section has 55 questions with 70 minutes. The questions are about Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Problem solving. Now, calculator is allowed in the test room and 0 point subtracted for incorrect answers and for the questions you don’t answer.

Verbal Section

This section has 55 questions with 70 minutes. The total points are 800. Verbal Section can be divided into 2 section

1. Critical Reading includes Sentence completions, Passage-based reading, and Problem solving.

2. Writing includes Improving sentences, Identifying sentence errors , and Improving paragraphs.

Overall CU-AAT
TestQuestionsDurationTest scheduleTest room Door opens – Door Closes
Math Section
– Arithmetic
– Algebra
– Geometry
– Problem solving
5570 minute9.25-10.35

08.30 – 09.15

(Time can be changed, students should come before the time announced in the schedule test.)

Verbal Section

Section 1 : Critical Reading includes

– Sectence completions
– Passage-based reading
– Problem solving

Section 2 : Writing includes

– Improving sentences
– Identifying sentence errors
– Improving paragraphs

5570 minute10.40 – 11.50


cu-aat สอบอะไรบ้าง

Test Schedule

There are 5 test dates annually which will be held in February, March, July, October, and December. The test starts 13.00 – 15.30 hr. If you want to apply in early admission, you should have CU-AAT score before December or you should take the test in October at the latest

Test Schedule
Test DatesTest ScheduleRegistration / Payment Periods
5 ก.พ 6513:00-15:3024 – 26 ม.ค. 65
5 มี.ค. 6513:00-15:3021 – 23 ก.พ. 65
24 ก.ค. 6513:00-15:3011 – 13 ก.ค. 65
15 ต.ค. 6513:00-15:303 – 5 ต.ค. 65
4 ธ.ค. 6513:00-15:3021 – 23 พ.ย. 65


CU-AAT Full Score

CU-AAT has a total score of 1600 points; Math Section 800 points and Verbal Section 800 points. The score will be checked online within 2 weeks and are valid for 2 years after the test date.

Perfect scores for CU international programs

Score criteria are depended on each programs, check for details in the websites of the programs. The popular programs may require high score such as BBA CU at minimum of 1200 points, EBA CU at minimum of 1000 points. If it is an early admission, higher score are required. So, students should recheck the requirement on the website before registration.

Perfect scores for CU international programs
หลักสูตรวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ (ISE)minimum of 480 points 
อักษรศาสตร์ (BALAC) minimum 480 points
เคมีประยุกต์ (BSAC)minimum of 450 points 
เทคโนโลยีชีวภาพminimum of 450 pointsminimum 400 points
การเมืองและโลกสัมพันธ์ศึกษา (PGS) minimum 500 points
การออกแบบสถาปัตยกรรม (INDA)minimum of 550 pointsminimum 400 points
การออกแบบนิเทศศิลป์ (COMDE)minimum of 450 pointsminimum 400 points
บริหารธุรกิจ (BBA)minimum 1200 points
นิเทศศาสตร์ การจัดการสื่อสาร (COMMART)minimum of 580 pointsminimum 440 points
เศรษฐศาสตร์ (EBA)minimum of 600 pointsminimum 400 points
จิตวิทยา (JIPP)minimum of 600 pointsminimum 400 points
นวัตกรรมบูรณาการ (Bascii)minimum of 620 points 


CU AAT in Early Admission

An Early admission will open in December and can be registered online in the website of each program. The announcement of the list of eligible applicants for interview and writing test will be in January and the announcement of the interview results will be in late January. You will be required to pay the registration fee within this month. The score statistics for early admission are as following;


Students who need a quick result can choose E-Testing because the score will be immediately announced after the test has finished. E-testing requires a familiar in computer using and it is quite different from paper based test such as no question papers for note taking. However, you don’t have to worry, we have summarized pros and cons of E-Testing for you as following picture;

CU AAT Tutoring

CU AAT course covers both Math and Verbal Section. Live course with a small group (maximum of 10 people) so tutor can take care everyone and every question will be answered. The course starts from Math and verbal background such as Math formula, frequently founded vocab, calculator practicing, and latest test papers. The course will be operated by P’ple and team, you will be practiced past papers from the very first one to the latest ones.

รหัสคอร์ส วันเรียน รอบ เวลา หมายเหตุ เหลือที่นั่ง อาจารย์
SATMB0824 25 ส.ค. - 29 ก.ย. อา 10:00-16:00
10 เปิ้ล
SATMA0824 27 ส.ค. - 3 ต.ค. อ,พฤ 18:00-20:30
10 เปิ้ล
SATMA1024 22 ต.ค. - 28 พ.ย. อ,พฤ 18:00-20:30
10 เปิ้ล
SATMB1024 27 ต.ค. - 1 ธ.ค. อา 10:00-16:00
10 เปิ้ล

CU-AAT one by one private course

In this course, tutor can focus only you. Whether you are unconfident or you never take the test, you can take this course. The course will be designed only for each of you. It is also flexible and student can set your own schedule.

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