Ged Social Studies

1.Which of the following statements most accurately describes patterns of Irish immigration in the mid-19th century?
2.How does the constitutional amendment process begin? (Select ALL that apply)
3.What ideology best describes Jefferson’s political philosophy?
4.Which of the following statements most accurately describes urbanization patterns in the United States between 1790 and 2010?
5.Which was the opportunity cost in Juan’s decision?
6.In what way, if at all, did the Triple Alliance Treaty influence World War I?
7.This ruling is an example of which of the following concepts?
“The Contracting Parties… mindful, at the same time, of the situation created in Europe by the… formation of a new military alignment in the shape of [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization] which increased the danger of another war and constitutes a threat to the national security of the peaceable states… have agreed as follows… Article 4: in the event of armed attack in Europe on one or more of the Parties to the Treaty… shall immediately… come to the assistance of the state or states attacked with all such means as it deems necessary, including armed force.”

The following map, created by Alphathon, depicts Europe during the Cold War. Members of NATO are in blue while members of the Warsaw Pact are in Red:

Which of the following statements best describes the motives for creating the Warsaw Security Pact?
9.Why did Kennedy become president if he received less than 50 percent of the popular vote?
10.What prompted President Truman to provide aid to the Greek government?
11.Based on the excerpt, how did historical circumstances shape President Roosevelt’s point of view?
12.Why did Madison, and many other Americans, feel that the Bill of Rights was necessary?
13.Which of the following is an opinion and not a fact?
14.How did the cartoon reflect historical circumstances during Reconstruction in the South?
15.Under the US Constitution, which body has the sole authority to declare war?
16.Which of the following statements best describes the voter turnout patterns?
17.Arrange the following in correct chronological order from oldest to most recent.
18.Which of the following statements best describes the impact Shay’s Rebellion had on American government?
19.What is the vice president’s primary responsibility?
20.What impact, if any, would the tariff have on US demand for Brazilian coffee?
21.Fill in the blank: The Acme Company earns $__ in profit for each bowling ball it sells.
22.The US Senate possesses which of the following powers?
23.The cartoon criticized President Franklin Roosevelt’s efforts to expand the Supreme Court from 9 to 15 justices and thus appoint 6 new members himself. The cartoon depicts this attempt as a violation of which of the following principles?
24.In the above passage, the word reserved most closely means which of the following?
25.The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 and prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Which of the following statements best describes the impact the Civil Rights Act had on African American representation in Congress?
26.Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the Brown and Plessy decisions?
27.The above excerpt is an example of which of the following concepts?
28.Which of the following statements is supported by the data in the above table?
29.What do the excerpts reveal about the role the Holocaust played in the American war effort in World War II?
30.What attitude did President Roosevelt have towards preservation efforts?
31.The US House of Representatives possesses which of the following powers?
32.The above passage incorporates which of the following concepts?
33.How did historical events in the 1840s influence Irish immigration to the United States?
34.It takes a majority of _____ in both chambers of Congress to override a presidential veto.
Ged Social Studies
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